MSN Search Engine Optimization Tip

Everybody who is in the website game knows that ranking for google and ranking for MSN are two completely different objectives when trying to get your piece of the pie, this being the search engine traffic pie of course. Most of us seem to be able to rank very easily in google but when it comes to MSN, it’s like a mystery, entering into dark water, or exiting our comfort zone if you will…

I found that making your targeted keyword bold helps to rank you better in MSN. If you are trying to target a keyword such as ‘Light Feathers’ then you’d have a piece of writing on your page including that keyword, without bold, and then again in bold… Heck you could even throw in an italics one too (haven’t tested this on it’s own to see if it works, so, feel free…).

I hope it helps you… It sure did for me.

  • #1
    Posted by Justin on January 27th, 2008 at 7:08 pm

    It does ! Thank’s

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